9th Grade Courses
Chemistry: January 6 through January 24
Times: M: 10-11:50 and 1:45-3:10, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50 and 1:45-3:10, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40, F: 10-11:35 and 1:45-2:40
Cost: $1,200
Course Description: Throughout this class, we examine the carbon cycle. We perform daily experiments that lead us through the major organic compounds/groups. The groups highlighted include carbon, crude oil, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, alcohols, organic acids, esters, ethers, waxes, lipids, and proteins. We look at qualities of these substances and the transformation from one substance to another. At the end of the block, we draw the carbon cycle. We discuss climate change and plastic. There is one comprehensive final during this block and two practice quizzes. A main lesson book is required.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Monochrome Painting: January 14 through March 7, No Class February 17-21
Times: Tu 1:45-3:10, F 8:00-9:30
Cost: $1500
Course Description: 3 projects are completed in this class:
Crystals watercolor 22x22"
Chinese Motif Landscape Watercolor and ink 30x22"
Rose acrylic on canvas 11x11”

To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
History of Drama: January 17 through February 14
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40, F: 10-11:35
Cost: $750
Course Description: In this class, students chart the progression of drama traditions through time, beginning with the Ancient Greeks and Romans, moving then to Indian and Japanese traditions, through the liturgical traditions of medieval Europe, the Renaissance and Restoration, and finishing with some comments on modern theatre. Students create a main lesson book that focuses on the traditions of these cultures through time and includes detailed descriptions and diagrams. The students also participate in the workshopping of a condensed play, to experience the tradition of drama and its purpose and benefits. Students are evaluated based on the note taking skills required to create their book, as well as their ability to condense this information into visually pleasing and organized pages. Some pages also include synthesizing personal experience as well as imaginative exercises. Students are also evaluated on their dedication to memorizing lines and developing their performance in the workshopped play which is performed to a small group of friends and family the final week of class. Past workshopped play include, Twelve Angry Men, The Diary of Ann Frank, and Our Town.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
The Novel: February 24 through March 31
Times: M: 10-11:50 and 1:45-2:25, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50 and 1:45-2:25, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-2:25, F: 10-11:35
Cost: $1000
Course Description: During this block, the ninth grade will read the complex yet wonderful story A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, and focus on comprehensive thinking and writing development. It includes reading comprehension, reading out-loud, class discussion, comparative writing, rendering certain scenes into illustrations, as well as improving handwriting, punctuation, and spelling skills. While reading the magnificent, timeless work of art by Dickens, the students learn about the historical events leading to the French Revolutions and the subsequent events and legislations as well as the state of affairs in England between 1757 and 1793. During each class, a number of students would read a part of last night’s reading assignment out loud as a skit. During many of our lessons, we will discuss the different characters in the book and their relations to the plot as well as other characters. These dialogues open the gate for conversations involving the ideas of love, sacrifice, friendship, vengeance and patience. There will be a number of quizzes on the reading and the lectures.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Clay Study: March 11 through April 18, No Class March 31-April 4
Times: Tu 1:45-3:10, F 8:00-9:30
Cost: $1,250
Course Description: 3 projects are completed in this class
Egyptian Motif Low Clay Relief
3-D Gargoyle
Indian Motif High Clay Relief

To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Geometry: April 21 through May 9
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40, F: 10-11:35
Cost: $750
Course Description: This course covers a range of synthetic and analytic geometry topics including the following. Synthetic (through precision drawing, without calculations): conic sections through the study of loci, the 4 centers of triangles, descriptive geometry. Analytic (mathematical calculations): Complimentary, supplementary and vertical angles, triangle classifications by side lengths and angles, angles of polygons, area formulas, and review of the Pythagorean theorem. Prior experience using a drawing compass and calculations of areas and perimeters of basic shapes is helpful, but not required. Students will need a mechanical pencil and colored pencils.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Printmaking: April 22 through May 9
Times: Tu: 1:45-3:10, Fri 8:00-9:30
Cost: $750
Course Description: During this class, students will create several projects in the variety of printmaking techniques and materials using a professional etching press.

To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Geology: May 12 through May 30
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40, F: 10-11:35
Cost: $750
Course Description: The main goals of course are to help the 9th grade students become engaged with and find interest in the earth and particularly in the landscapes around them, enlighten them as to how humans have discovered what we think we know of the earth and how much is still a limited, educational guess, to learn about the struggles scientists encountered to get the scientific world to accept their seemingly wild ideas, which we now tend to accept as facts, and to learn the fundamental principles of landform formation through plate tectonics. This course will include multiple labs and outdoor experiences. Prior understanding of the thermal properties of materials would be helpful but is not required.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
10th Grade Courses
Greek Play: January 6 through January 24
Times: M: 10-11:50 and 1:45-3:10, Tu: 10-11:50 and 1:45-3:10, W: 10-11:50 and 1:45-3:10, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-3:10, F: 10-11:35 and 1:15-2:40
Cost: $1,200
Course Description: Coming Soon!
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
The Epic: January 27 through February 14
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40 F: 10-11:35
Cost: $750
Course Description: During our lessons, the students are presented with the Ancient Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh and later with the more recent (yet old) Icelandic Saga of the Volsungs. During the third and final part, the class will read select parts of Homer’s epic poem The Iliad. Students are asked to read these 3 books, as well as other additional related excerpts as homework assignments. There will be weekly quizzes. These focus on the reading assignments as well as lectures given in class. During our class lectures, students learn about the history and cultural context of each of the epics, including Mesopotamian culture and law, Norse views of fate and social codes as well as later cultural influences in the areas of opera, psychology and philosophy. We will discuss the question of what history is, what mythology is, and where the two meet. Some of the overarching major themes are mortality, courage, and the relation of humans to nature, their community, and to their gods (sense of agency). We also examine the development of the individual, the development and definition of civilization, and the use of metaphor. Evaluations are based on participation in class activities, the average of quiz scores, and successful completion of all main lesson book assignments.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Watercolor: January 27 through February 26, No Class February 17-21
Times: M: 1:45-3:10, W: 1:45-3:10
Cost: $1,000
Course Description: Two projects are completed in this class
Tree Trunks. Watercolor. Pointilism15x11"
Landscape. Watercolor. Veil Technique 22x30"

To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Greek History I: February 24 through 28
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40 F: 10-11:35
Cost: $300
Course Description: Over the 3 week period of Greek History I and II the 10th grade work to understand the progression of culture, art and government in Ancient Greece from the Bronze Age through the Hellenic Period and spend a portion of time exploring the foundations of Greek Philosophy. As part of this understanding students read a slightly abridged version of The Odyssey and are responsible for leading one day of class discussion of the book with a small group of students. In addition, students create a main lesson book comprised of maps, drawings, and written pieces. Students are given a final test covering the history, terms, and key concepts of the block.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Paper Collage on Board: March 24 through April 23, No Class March 31-April 4
Times: M: 1:45-3:10, W: 1:45-3:10
Cost: $1000

To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Poetry: April 21 through May 16
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40 F: 10-11:35
Cost: $1,000
Course Description: From the bhakti poets of medieval India to Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and the rise of the sonnet to the waka of the Heian period court culture, this block introduces students to poetic traditions and forms from all over the world and throughout history, though with an emphasis on English poetry. Much more than an introduction to forms or a survey course, however, this block explores what poetry is, considering in turn such questions as the definition of poetry, the validity of metaphor, and the scope of the imagination. We also learn how to scan and write in the most common poetic meters.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Silk Painting: April 28 through May 28 4/28-5/28
Times: M: 1:45-3:10, W 1:45-3:10
Cost: $1,250
Course Description: Students will create several projects painting with a variety of techniques on stretched silk using professional level pigments

Greek History II: May 19 through May 30
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40 F: 10-11:35
Cost: $500
Course Description: Over the 3 week period of Greek History I and II the 10th grade work to understand the progression of culture, art and government in Ancient Greece from the Bronze Age through the Hellenic Period and spend a portion of time exploring the foundations of Greek Philosophy. As part of this understanding students read a slightly abridged version of The Odyssey and are responsible for leading one day of class discussion of the book with a small group of students. In addition, students create a main lesson book comprised of maps, drawings, and written pieces. Students are given a final test covering the history, terms, and key concepts of the block.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
11th Grade Courses
Parzival: April 21 through May 9
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40 F: 10-11:35
Cost: $750
Course Description: In this block, the students read the Mustard and Passage translation of Wolfram Von Eschenbach’s Parzival. This work, telling the story of the search for the Grail, inspires thoughts about education, love, and living an active life dedicated to self-development and service to others. In addition to the daily reading assignments (about 25-30 pages per night), students are asked to prepare an artistic representation of their assigned chapter. The class includes quizzes covering materials from the reading and lectures. During the block, the class will discuss the evolution of human consciousness from the time of the holy mysteries in Ancient Greece to the modern study of matter as enabled the discovery of sub-atomic particles. Special emphasis is given to studying Medieval times through the exploration of themes related to social order, religion, and the arts. During our lessons, we also spend significant time learning about the biographies of important individuals such as Wolfram Von Eschenbach, Miguel de Cervantes, Caspar Hauser, Alexander Fleming, Henry Dunant, Cleve Cartmill and others. For the conclusion of this block, students present a final project they prepare during the 3 weeks and share their own personal experience around completing their project.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org
Botany: May 12 through May 30
Times: M: 10-11:50, Tu: 10-11:50, W: 10-11:50, Th: 10-11:50 and 12:50-1:40 F: 10-11:35
Cost: $750
Course Description: This three week block is a survey of the plant kingdom. Students work with specimens of all the major plant divisions. Students learn to observe, interpret, and scientifically draw stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Students learn scientific vocabulary to describe a plant’s morphological features. We discuss various aspects of plant physiology and communication. Field work, observation, and drawing are highlighted throughout the block. In addition to active participation in the lab and in the forest, a main lesson book is required. Instead of a written test, students are given a lab final.
To learn more or to register, contact Katie Simon at ksimon@steinerschool.org