Our Golden Eagles program offers a rich Waldorf curriculum for those children who are age-eligible to enter Grade 1 the following school year. Golden Eagles will be part of a mixed-age kindergarten classroom and will work with their teacher in special activities to build skills, strength and will. Our Language Arts circles include fine and gross motor skills building, song, dance, and fun. Seasonal crafts engage the children in fine motor skills such as sewing and weaving. Teachers also work with the Golden Eagles on finger weaving, stories and puppet plays. After rest time, the Golden Eagles will gather together as a group for jumping rope, string games, stories, skipping and more.
As the year goes on, the children are given more challenging tasks which they are excited to participate in. These include increasingly complex movement journeys in which the children enter a world of imagination led by their teacher through a lively story. Movement journeys help the children develop core strength, build stamina and balance, practice gross motor skills and integrate the senses, which will be beneficial in Grade 1 when they will be learning the basics of writing and math and can anticipate sitting at desks. The Golden Eagles end the year with a special, age-appropriate woodworking project.
5 Full Days
Age Requirement
Five by June 1
Average Class Size
18 - Program is incorporated into children's home kindergarten classroom