Is there tuition assistance?
Yes, need based up to 90%.
Is RSHS a College Prep School?
Do all graduates go on to a four-year institution?
Most do! Some take a gap year, some begin at a Community College and transfer, and a few find fulfilling work that does not require a college degree.
What are college acceptance rates like?
RSHS has an excellent reputation, as do Steiner (Waldorf) Schools in general. A full list can be found here. There is a range of schools: liberal arts colleges, major universities, Ivy-league schools, art schools, technical schools, international universities, etc.
Do you have a college counselor?
Yes, and she works extremely closely with each family to prepare for college applications, and to find schools that “fit.” She also assists students with finding and applying for scholarships.
Do you give grades?
We do not give letter grades. Instead, we give transcript comments, which are single sentence written summaries of a student’s work in a class. They give a better sense of a student’s accomplishments and growth than a letter grade does. Ask to see a sample transcript – they're incredibly informative.
Can my student get into college without a GPA?
Yes! Our students are regularly accepted to a wide range of four year and two year colleges and universities, from Ivy League schools to community colleges. A small number of colleges and scholarships require a GPA to apply. We work with the student and the college or scholarship in these cases so that our students are able to apply.
The artwork is fantastic here; are there only artistically gifted students?
Many come to us who don't think they're individually gifted, but we think all students have a range of innate talents, including in the studio arts. Our inspired and skilled art faculty helps every student create exceptional work.
Why is there so much emphasis on painting and drawing?
These subjects help students develop profound capacities for judgment, a sense of proportion, reasoning, and problem solving. They also allow students an opportunity for deep, global, cultural learning. Plus, they are joyful opportunities for self-expression.
Is there also instruction in music and drama?
Yes, there is a varied music and drama program with many offerings, both curricular and extracurricular.
What about sports?
RSHS has varsity (basketball, soccer, volleyball) and club sports (cross country, etc.). Some students also play on a travel team.
Are there clubs?
Yes! Especially popular are robotics, drama, hiking club, community service, and Model UN. Many others come and go, based on student interest.
In such a small school, what if you cannot find a friend?
Because of cross grade coursework, clubs, sports, long lunch hours, and the general ambiance of the school, it is often easier to find friends here than in a larger school. Also, students find friends with a wide variety of interests.
Do you offer AP courses?
Not officially. The Waldorf Main Lesson curriculum is deep, with college-level curriculum in the upper grades. It develops analytical thinking effectively. That said, some students do prepare for an AP exam or two, sometimes more.
What are Main Lessons?
Small seminar style courses, held for two hours daily (over a period of three or four weeks) taught by a specialist.
What is a Main Lesson Book?
The best way to learn a subject. With the guidance of their teachers, students create their own original textbooks rather than memorizing someone else’s.
Is RSHS accredited?
Yes, jointly by AWSNA and ISACS.
Being in a chorus class would make my student nervous. Why do you require chorus for all students?
Chorus is a big part of what makes our school a community. We find that it keeps the school healthy socially, and there are wonderful winter and spring concerts. No students are made to sing solos, and students with less experience are put next to those with more to help them.